Wednesday, October 17, 2012

In a World of Darkness


I know what it’s like to want to die; how it hurts to smile; how you try to fit in but you can’t; how you hurt yourself on the outside; to try to kill the thing that’s in the inside. Sometimes I think that if I wasn’t so good at pretending to be, I’d be better at actually being happy. Days are things to try to get through, trying to keep that motivation, that inspiration, that dedication but yet all you can think about is the expiration. It’s like a black cloud that floats above your head making everything seem like a paper cut in between your fingers. I know how it feels I have been there. But let me tell you, the thing you are thinking right now, it’s not the answer. There are ways of feeling different, it’s hard to get off that addiction, yes I said addiction, you’re addicted to that feeling of sadness and hatred. Find the one thing that makes you happy, grab that and hold it close to your heart. Its saved me and if you feel the same it may just help you.


  1. how it hurts to smile;

    stole this. really liked it.

  2. how you hurt yourself on the outside; to try to kill the thing that’s in the inside.

    i love this. take a bow.

  3. Amazing. "you’re addicted to that feeling of sadness and hatred."

  4. "making everything seem like a paper cut in between your fingers" Stole it.

    I really liked this post. Good job.

  5. "I think that if I wasn't so good at pretending to be, I'd be better at actually being happy"
    I'll probably quote this line on my blog. Its incredible.
    Also today is the that Guy Fawkes attempted his assination. Shout out.

  6. I cried. I read this, and i cried. In the writing lab, with everyone around. No one noticed, I love this post, love love love this post. Thank you.

  7. i liked the pic of the girl bleeding from her face

  8. "how you try to fit in but you can’t"

    I've tried for 17 years to fit in. And it wasnt until this year that I realized I just won't. I will never fit in. So I've done what you suggested, I found something I loved, and I clung to it. It wasnt a person, it was a passion. I would give this advise to anyone. When you have a passion, you forget all the things wrong with you. I have first hand experience.

  9. you’re addicted to that feeling of sadness and hatred.

    yet all you can think about is the expiration.

    I love these lines. So, so, so much. They're amazing. This is amazing. Thank you.
