Friday, August 31, 2012

Lame Old Intro........................

HEY YOU, yeah you, the piece of judgmental, selfish, dimwitted teenager that you call Name Here.

In a world where social Norms stand out, where you are named and tagged into friend groups. Nerds, jocks, skaters, hipsters & Preps, Why not just kids or teens? Maybe John or Jane.
Where you can’t sing with your windows down at a stop light.
Where you can’t dye your hair crazy colors like pink or turquoise.
Where you can’t run with your back pack on without looking like a turtle.
Where you can’t where white after Labor Day.
Where only an apple a day keeps the doctor away (I want a peach not a stupid apple). 
Where grades tell you if you’re smart or dumb.
Where eating fast food means your fat!
Where your weird if your best friend is a giant teddy bear.
Where a Tatoo means your a misfit or a punk.
Where you have to where black to a Funeral.
Where people can talk crap on someone, then the second they take there life, somehow they where there best freinds.
Where all people care about is how they look and how they feel.
Well, to tell the truth, I AM SICK AND TIRED OF THESE BULL SH** NORMS (pardon my Spanish)! And my plan this year in this class is to break them and just be yourself! To not worry about anyone else but yourself! just live your life, no one elses life but yours.

This is why I picked the name Guy Fawkes; he was a man who wanted to bring down the system! There for that shall be my goal of this class to break the stupid worth-less attitude that you may have!


  1. This is a great intro. I want to steal this format for a writing prompt.

  2. I can relate to the name, and quite a lot of what you have to say. Just one thing, *wear

  3. True chiz! I like a person who understands that being different is okay.

  4. So true! I really like this intro.
