Sunday, December 30, 2012


I should be studying...

for the stupid science test on tuesday

the one I know i'll do bad on, no matter how much I study

I should be doing calculations

trying to figure out what the hell  kinetic and potnetial energy is

trying to read the teacher's mind, what kind of questions he might ask

I shouldn't be procrastinating like this

but even the thought that either of you might come

keeps me glued to this screen

and in a world of dreaming

I Remember

I Remember that night... we were all happy, but i guess not all of us. what was going through your head? why would you do that to us. all i want is answers. the out come has destroyed us all. if you could see what it has done to us, I don't think you would have done it.

Saturday, December 29, 2012


My direct order to you, is to get in a fight. No it does not have to be a fist fight! i want you to fight!
Get in a yelling fight with your next door neighbor! Get in a fight with your teacher about your grade! Get in a fight with your self about what girl is more beautiful! Fight for what you love. that is my direct order to you.

duct tape and a wall of bricks

When i was about 6 my brother and sister had a great idea to duct tape me to the brick wall behind my house... this was there idea for punishment for which I had "told on them". Moral of the story, don’t involve yourself in others situations. The End.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Everyone Lies.

This poem is beautiful. To some, it may seem creepy, sad and dark. But to me, its complete understanding. It is comfort of not being alone. This was written by a 16 year old girl. I want to meet her and tell her how much i liked her poem.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

MakeDamnSure: Taking Back Sunday

You've got this new head filled up with smoke
I've got my veins all tangled close
To the jukebox bars you frequent
The safest place to hide
A long night spent with your most obvious weakness
You start shaking at the thought you are everything I want
'Cause you are everything I'm not

And we lay, we lay together just not
Too close, too close (How close is close enough?)
We lay, we lay together just not
Too close, too close

I just wanna break you down so badly
Well I trip over everything you say
I just wanna break you down so badly
In the worst way

My inarticulate store bought hangover hobby kit
It talks, it says, "You, oh, you are so cool."
"Scissor shaped across the bed, you are red, violent red."
You hollow out my hungry eyes
You hollow out my hungry eyes

And we lay, we lay together just not
Too close, too close (How close is close enough?)
We lay, we lay together just not
Too close, too close

I just wanna break you down so badly
Well I trip over everything you say
Well I just wanna break you down so badly
In the worst way

I just wanna break you down so badly
Well I trip over everything you say
I just wanna break you down so badly
In the worst way (worst way)

I'm gonna make damn sure that you can't ever leave
No, you won't ever get too far from me
You won't ever get too far from me
I'll make damn sure that you can't ever leave
No, you won't ever get too far from me
You won't ever get too far from me
You won't ever get too far from me (ever get too far)
You won't ever get too far...

I just wanna break you down so badly
Well I trip over everything you say
Well I just wanna break you down so badly
In the worst way (worst way)

I'm gonna make damn sure
I just wanna break you down so badly
I just wanna break you down so badly (damn sure)
In the worst way (worst way)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

In a World of Darkness


I know what it’s like to want to die; how it hurts to smile; how you try to fit in but you can’t; how you hurt yourself on the outside; to try to kill the thing that’s in the inside. Sometimes I think that if I wasn’t so good at pretending to be, I’d be better at actually being happy. Days are things to try to get through, trying to keep that motivation, that inspiration, that dedication but yet all you can think about is the expiration. It’s like a black cloud that floats above your head making everything seem like a paper cut in between your fingers. I know how it feels I have been there. But let me tell you, the thing you are thinking right now, it’s not the answer. There are ways of feeling different, it’s hard to get off that addiction, yes I said addiction, you’re addicted to that feeling of sadness and hatred. Find the one thing that makes you happy, grab that and hold it close to your heart. Its saved me and if you feel the same it may just help you.


Have you ever looked at someone and thought to yourself “he’s a tool” or “she’s a skank”. But you don’t really who they really are. That is what I want to talk about, people making fun of others just to lift themselves up. But you don’t know them or their story. That class clown who needs to make everyone laugh, well he really gets no attention from his parents. That dumb kid in the back of the class, well he has struggled with learning all his life and spends 2 hours at home just trying to keep up. That skanky girl who gets down with every guy she can, well she was sexually abused. The point is everyone has a back ground, a life changer, a life screwier. Next time you start to think like that, don’t. Don’t be a bully, don’t be a jerk. No one likes when people talk bad about them. Worry more about yourself and your life. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Thinking Thoughts

What am I thinking about? That is a good question… I’m thinking about the future and the past, but yet not of the now. I’m thinking about how happy my dog is, why is he happy?... He’s a dog. I’m thinking about who I am, cause I don’t really know. I’m thinking about my best friend six feet in the ground, and I’m thinking and asking why? I’m thinking why do good people get cancer? I’m thinking why are all the good people dying? Why am I still here? Why was I chosen to live? What is my purpose? I’m thinking about my family and how different I am from them. I’m thinking about my dead uncle who was born with cystic fibrosis and why did he deserve to die when he finally got new lungs. I’m thinking about my girlfriend and how weird it is to feel like this with someone… I’m thinking about the open road and my longboard, just close my eyes and the world stop’s…. but only for a minute. I’m thinking about the abuse of power in the world, and how in no way I can help. I’m thinking about how much I think about things. I’m thinking about why they call it the birds and the bees… I’m thinking about why I am the way I am. I’m thinking that this will never end; I’m wishing it will end.  I’m thinking why people change. I’m thinking why I change.


Run away from this, run away from that that. I wish I could run away to Italy and own a vineyard. Running away is sometimes the only answer, the question is why? What possesses a person to run away? It’s because since preschool, people tell us we can do whatever you want. But as we grow up we start to find things we like. But then sooner or later we relies that it’s not true and life will step on you and smash you like a bug. When someone once wanted to be the president and now he is working at Mc Donald’s. Why is that? Because life sucks, and that is why I want to run away from life. From the world I live in. but I can’t because this is what we do we become cattle the big business thrive on. There needs to be a lower class for CEOs to make big money. I am down here I want to start new; I want a new chance to live. Nelson once asked ”what do you want to be when you grow up?” and every one said a job but one kid said “to be happy”. Really everyone wants that but we are told a job will make you happy cause you get money. I say NO, I want to own a vineyard and will make wine for the rest of my life, it may sound lame but I just want to be happy. And right now I am far from happy.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

True fears

My True fear is only one thing, losing my friends. (That’s a lie I am completely freaked out by spiders) there is nothing I care about more is to keep my friends around. Death has taking to many of my friends and I am sick of it. The first time was hard, the second was worse, but the third. That is what through me overboard. I miss them… and I would do anything to get them back. They say death is only the beginning, to me it sounds like the end. What is after death? Do we just turn off or do we go to something like heaven… please don’t answer that… I don’t need people to tell me to have faith. Faith is merely an illusion. No one really knows, and that is what truly scares me. All I want is to see my friends again. If there really was a god why would he let the things like WWII or the earth quake in Haiti’s? I believe in facts and proof and right now the hand is leaning to the no god side. Now who knows in the future I may believe but for now I think we are on our own. 


I’m afraid of old people,
Don’t ask me why…
I’m afraid of bugs,
Big ones little one, they all creep me out,
I’m afraid of angles,
Watch supernatural…
I’m afraid of dying
I’m afraid of living
I’m afraid of what my future has in store for me
I’m afraid of the number 5,
It’s to perfect.
I’m afraid of being afraid
I’m afraid of hedge hogs
Never seen one but still… freaks of nature
I’m afraid of being sent back to the 30’s
I’m afraid of 2012
I’m afraid of toothpicks
I’m afraid of having kids
I’m afraid of the devil
I’m afraid of japan
I’m afraid of EVERYTHING 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Love is like a cat from hell.

WE ARE IN HIGH SCHOOL PEOPLE! THINK, you are only 16 maybe 17 or 18. There is no need to be holding hands to class or snuggling in the back of Motion Picture. JUST DONT DO IT. I don’t want to watch you do it ether! Now this is kind of hypercritical of me to even say that because I too am in a relationship, and I do like her very much. Now that doesn’t mean I need to go and show off like she is a trophy. I do not go around making out with her in the hallways. Save that crap for home! Like my mother always said, “One Night in Bangkok and the worlds Your Oyster” No I just lied because this song just came on, I love this song. NOW THAT IS LOVE. You and that girl with way to much make up on, THAT IS NOT LOVE! ME AND THIS SONG IS LOVE! (if you don’t know the song look it up, and if ever you feel the same way that you did from this song, for a girl….. MERRY HER!)…. Now that song is over, where was i?

Oh, I remember LOVE is a CAT FROM HELL. Cats are mean…. Could you imagine one from hell? That is scary crap right there. THAT IS WHAT LOVE IS!

HUMAN or Robot?

"Are we human or are we de" NO SHUT UP!!! I am sick of that stupid song.

I know nelson told us to write about humans, but because he said that I will tell you my favorite robots and robot movies. Do you remember that robot on The Hitch Hikers Guild to the Galaxy? Well his name is Marvin; he is one of the best because he has Genuine People Personalities. Another favorite would have to be R2D2….. Which about sums up my love of robots…. Well other than the Fembots in Austin Powers. What are your favorite robots?

Friday, August 31, 2012

Lame Old Intro........................

HEY YOU, yeah you, the piece of judgmental, selfish, dimwitted teenager that you call Name Here.

In a world where social Norms stand out, where you are named and tagged into friend groups. Nerds, jocks, skaters, hipsters & Preps, Why not just kids or teens? Maybe John or Jane.
Where you can’t sing with your windows down at a stop light.
Where you can’t dye your hair crazy colors like pink or turquoise.
Where you can’t run with your back pack on without looking like a turtle.
Where you can’t where white after Labor Day.
Where only an apple a day keeps the doctor away (I want a peach not a stupid apple). 
Where grades tell you if you’re smart or dumb.
Where eating fast food means your fat!
Where your weird if your best friend is a giant teddy bear.
Where a Tatoo means your a misfit or a punk.
Where you have to where black to a Funeral.
Where people can talk crap on someone, then the second they take there life, somehow they where there best freinds.
Where all people care about is how they look and how they feel.
Well, to tell the truth, I AM SICK AND TIRED OF THESE BULL SH** NORMS (pardon my Spanish)! And my plan this year in this class is to break them and just be yourself! To not worry about anyone else but yourself! just live your life, no one elses life but yours.

This is why I picked the name Guy Fawkes; he was a man who wanted to bring down the system! There for that shall be my goal of this class to break the stupid worth-less attitude that you may have!